Sunday 18 December 2011

6. google and wikipedia

google is amazing and so is wikipedia because for wikipedia which is a free encyclopedia and a non profiting website they are really amazing as people dont have to go to the library to get a book and then look for ages to find the one thay are after. take me for example: i am doing a history GCSE and i need books to study. to solve this issue i need to go to wikipedia but to get to wikipedia and making life eisier i use google to to find it and this brings me on to my next point with google it is alot eisier and with them being an encyclopeia aimed at the web and helps me to find youtube instead of having to take a little longer to go to the adress bar at the top of the page and type in the full website adress, google make this do much eisier: you just click the link once searched and hey presto, youtube

the positive side to it is that people are not having to walk to a certain palce to find a book and it is alot eisier for us to go to google and type in a website an then like magic, we've got it. using it for homework and research is acceptable if you have no time to go to the local library and have to find that certain set of books

the negative part to this is that it encourages people to be more lazy when it comes to going to the trouble of searching for the book that you want and it is only in my opinion acceptable in some companies. the next negative part to this is that google is a non profiting company and the same goes to wikipedia found Jimmy Wales. if they were proffiting they would be billionares by now just like the founder of facebook Mark Zuckerburg. this is because there are 91 million searhes per day on google alone and i myself am helping to that.

lastly the social effect to this is that bad becase as mentioned it encourages lazyness in our community. just imagine it. in a good ten years it end up with our neighbour hoods and our local towns having no library because so many people will be using google and wikipedia for not just home work but geneal research work.

3D cinima and virtual reality.

cinema is huge. ever since it was created at the beginning of the 20th century it has been used and developed rapidly. starting from the simple silent movies to the more modern ones that we know and love so much. and to the now huge 3d cinema technology. i have been in a few 3D cinema movies and i think that the positive side to it is that it is a good way of encouraging people to try something new and for the companies that make the movie in a 3D movie format, it interests more people. particularly the teenager generation. a-lot of my friends are really interested and are always seeing this kind of movie format. 

the negative side to it is that because the UK and other countries  still in recession it isn't as easy to see these movies meaning that not all people can try this innovation as easily as other people like my friends. cinema normally is quite expensive so that adds on to the point of the negative side and how not all people can see this kind of movie or even normal ones with that.

the social side to this is particularly aimed at teenagers now-a-days because it is something that we do to hang out or have fun whereas comparing us to normal people or the adults who are the ones who are stuck and cannot try this all the time, we are really lucky.